Film Day - info in English

Come see films free of charge or arrange your own film screening!

What is Film Day?

Elokuvapäivä translates as Film Day. It is a city festival that transforms the Turku region into a huge film screening event and gathers thousands of citizens to watch movies around the town. All the film screenings are brought to the audience by the partners of Film Day and are so free of charge to the audience! Movies can be seen all day long in all kind of different places of the city. How about a film in a church, a library, a cafe or in a garden?

The film screenings can be arranged by any local company, association or a club. 

Scene (Turku - European Film City)

Film Day is founded and coordinated by local voluntary association Scene (officially Elokuvakaupunki Turku ry).

Reach new audiences with your own film screening

Would you want to arrange your own film screening?

Providing an experience through film screening is a new exiting way to reach new customers and also showcase your company, products and services. Approachable and free film screening is a great way to reach out to new customers.

All companies, associations or clubs located in the Turku region can arrange their own film screening in cooperation with Scene. The participation fee covers the screening rights and copy of the film of your choice for the day, and marketing as a part of the Film Day programme. The cost depends on the film of your choice but no worries – Scene will help you with the film choices, planning your screening event as well as organizing it.  

Contacts us and let’s plan an unforgettable film experience together! 

Registration closes 2 weeks before the event. 
